
College Rules


The main objective is to inculcate the habit of scholarly reasoning. Promote ethical standards, moral values and excellence in educational standards besides maintaining social harmony in the campus. All students are expected to follow and strive to achieve these objectives and behave in a manner befitting an Arts and Science college student. Any student found to be acting directly or indirectly for the breach of the above said objectives would be punished accordingly.


The Principal of the institution shall take any appropriate action as deemed fit in exigencies to protect and maintain general discipline, prestige and standards of the college and all such decisions are final and binding on the students.

All the students of the college are expected to behave politely with the staff both teaching and non-teaching. The students should keep the college premises clean and tidy. Incidents of indiscipline by student(s) in any manner in and outside the campus will be enquired into by a college discipline committee. The Principal will decide the action/ penalty to be levied on the guilty, which may include expulsion.

  • All candidates who secure admission in the college are deemed to have agreed to all the rules and regulations, given here un- der and such other rules and regulations as to be added, or amended from time to time. The college gives utmost priority for discipline and every one, student or staff, is bound to follow the rules and regulations of the college and maintain strict discipline.
  • Students admitted in this college, will have to give an undertaking that he/she will not involve in any sort of ragging or in- disciplinary act. If involved, he/she is liable to be punished accordingly.
  • The degree students must necessarily wear the prescribed uniform. College uniform is compulsory on all days including examinations, special classes, college union related programmes, co-curricular activities, study tours etc.
  • All the students should speak in English in the class rooms as well as in the college campus. They should maintain punctuality and decorum of the college.
  • Students should not stand in corridors/ near bike stand for gossiping. Students should not sit on the parapet walls, railings, steps or stair-cases. Loitering in the corridors or in the campus during college working hours is strictly prohibited.
  • Students should put up a minimum attendance of 75% in all subjects of the year/semester, as laid down by Calicut University. Students, falling short of 75 % of attendance shall not be allowed for the university examinations at the end of the semester. Those who have shortage of attendance shall not be promoted to the next semester of study.

  • A certificate of appreciation will be awarded to those students who secure 100% overall attendance in a semester course Students should attend all Seminars, Guest Lectures, and Training Classes organised by the college. Attendance will be given for all these activities.
  • Students should maintain strict discipline inside the class rooms as well as in the college campus. They should keep the class rooms/college campus neat and tidy.
  • Any suggestions or grievances of the students can be brought to the notice of the authorities through suggestions boxes, keptin the departments.
  • Students should be punctual to the classes. They will not be permitted into the class 5 minutes after the commencement of the class.
  • Triple riding on two wheelers is strictly prohibited in the road near the college campus.
  • Mobile phones, cinematic dance and fashion show shall not be allowed inside the college campus. Violating these rules will meet with disciplinary action. A fine of Rs. 500 will be levied for the use of mobile phones. Mobile phones with camera will be confiscated.

On the Basis of the orders issued by various authorities including the Hon'ble High Court of Kerala (WP (c) 23377/09) the use of mobile phones in the college campus is strictly prohibited. A fine of Rs.500/- will be imposed on those who violate this rule. Mobile Phone with Camera shall be confiscated. A surprise inspection squad is formed to implement the rule.

  • Smoking in the college campus is strictly prohibited.
  • Names, slogans. sticking of posters, pamphlets on number plates/vehicles are strictly prohibited..
  • Students shall always wear identity cards issued by the college with tag and show them as and when demanded by the principal, teachers and office staff /security staff..
  • No student shall leave the classroom without the permission of the teacher or until the class is over.
  • Students should keep their vehicles only at the places allotted for that purpose.
  • Students should not bring any unauthorized persons into the campus..
  • Any student involved in breaking or damaging any college property shall be punished severely..
  • Students are prohibited from resorting to strikes and demonstrations, as it shall automatically result in suspension from the college..

  • Students are prohibited organizing any meetings or entertainment programmes or collection of money for any purpose with- in the college or outside the college without the permission of the Principal.
  • Criticizing or abusing the girl students in foul languages is strictly prohibited in the campus..
  • Organizing birthday or any other personal functions within the24. campus is strictly prohibited. .
  • No student is permitted to roam in the campus during class / Lab hours
  • No student should be present in the nearby hotels or cool bars during the class hours.
  • Students are expected to spend their free time in the Library/ Reading Room.
  • A student who disturbs a lesson or makes mischief in a class will be expelled from the class.
  • Students are expected to behave well with the, staff, other students and general public. Any misbehaviour coming to the noticeof the college authorities will be severely dealt with.
  • The conduct of the students should be exemplary not only with- in the premises of the college but also outside. This will help in maintaining the image and status of the college.
  • All students admitted into this college, will be required to pay the prescribed tuition fee and other specified fees. Failure of the same will result in the cancellation of admission. No portion of fees will be refunded under any circumstances. His/her Original certificates including T.C etc. will be issued only after clearing all dues.
  • Under the disciplinary the principal shall have the power to inflict the following punishment fine loss of term certificate, suspension, compulsory issue of TC and expulsion

  • Conduct certificate will not be issued as matter of course It has to be earned by student’s good conduct. Promotion to higher class, selection for university examination and issue of progress, attendance and conduct certificates are matters absolutely within the statutory and discretionary powers of the principal and no appeal shall lay against the principal's decision to any other authority.
  • The principal shall have the right to issue transfer certificate to students admitted to the college without an application from the students or the guardian at any time during the course of his/ her study in the college without assigning any specific reason.
  • No one will be allowed to listen to music from any device in the college campus. Photography/video/audio recording and playing in the campus is strictly prohibited. Programs in the college shall be covered only by the persons officially authorized by the principal.
  • No student shall use or keep in possession alcoholic drinks or drugs. Using / keeping of these items lead to immediate expulsion of the student from the college and hostels.
  • No function shall be arranged by the students in the college campus without prior permission from the principal.
  • Defacing on walls, pillars, bath rooms, and furniture or black are strictly prohibited.
  • The cost of any damage, if caused to college property will be charged to the accounts of the students responsible for the damage in addition to disciplinary action.
  • Students are advised to switch off fans and lights when they leave the class rooms
  • Furniture in the class rooms should not be moved or dis- placed.
  • Staff member’s/discipline committee shall have the powers to deny admission to students to class/office labs/library/meetings/cultural programs and other programs in the case of violation of the dress code of the college.
  • There shall not be any discrimination against any community or category of students of the college and immediate stringent action will be taken against the erring students/officials/ faculty members.
  • Outsiders including police and media shall not enter the cam- pus without the permission of Principal
  • The Security Personnel/designated college staff are authorized to inspect the records of the vehicles entering the college campus and register the details in the gate register.

  • Legal action will be initiated against those who destruct or cause to destruct the properties of the college under existing laws including the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act 1984.
  • Banners, flags, posters, etc. shall not be allowed inside the campus or at the gates or compound walls for purpose of any activity without the permission of the Principal
  • Those students who are prosecuted/ charge sheeted/ FIR filed/detained in police custody in criminal offences will be subject to disciplinary action including suspension /dismissal from the college.
  • Students from other institutions and outsiders should take prior permission with valid identity proof to meet the Principal and staff members. Students from other institutions and outsiders shall not meet or interact with the students of the college inside the campus without the prior written consent of the Principal.
  • Students from other institutions and outsiders disrupting any academic activity or functioning of the college office or any unit thereof, shall be treated as infringing the rights of college authorities to run the institution in a good manner for the public interest. All such deeds will be treated as infringement of the rights of students especially those belonging to orphans, SC/ STS and other backward communities to have uninterrupted education. Legal actions including contempt of court will beinitiated in all such cases.
  • Banners, posters, holdings, cut-outs, flex boards, flags or any other things of temporary or permanent nature shall not be erected, installed, or placed within 200 meters of the institution and college gate without the permission of the authorities.